“You will make your prayer to Him, and He will hear you, and you will pay your vows.” Job 22:27 (Amplified)

Someone once said that nothing is beyond the remit of prayer except that which falls outside the will of God. This implies that so far as we know what the will of God for the situation is, we should feel free to pray and ask for God’s intervention in full confidence that He will answer us. This confidence in God’s response forms the basis of our spiritual walk as it assures us of the fact that we are never alone irrespective of our prevailing situation. So, whenever you run into trouble as you seek to please God, what do you normally do? Is your maxim “When all else fails, try prayer? Or do you seek God’s face first before doing anything else. What steps you embark upon when faced with difficulties signifies the level of your spiritual development and also gives an idea of how far you need to go.

If someone tries to land a blow on you, you will instinctively try to dodge it or protect yourself in another way to try and minimise its impact on you. If someone tries to poke your eyes, you instinctively shut your eyelids and move your head out of the way. If you see an accident about to happen to you, you naturally brace yourself and thus try to minimise its impact. This natural instinct of self-preservation or to avoid or minimise danger is known as a reflex action and forms an integral part of our human make-up. So, as Christians, do we have a spiritual equivalent of this vital physical protective mechanism or are we permanently at the mercy of Satan’s invidious attacks on our lives?

The early Church provides the answer in that whenever she is under attack, her first or reflex action is to pray. When forbidden to preach in the name of Jesus, the Church prayed. When Peter was arrested and held in prison pending execution by the political powers, the Church responded by praying. In every case and as attested by the anchor verse, God answered their prayers. Not once did we read of the Church carrying placards or organising political protests, although these measure do have their place in a democracy that is the political system that we live under. Nevertheless, we should not be lulled into thinking that political activism will enable us to achieve spiritual ends. Normally, spiritual ends can only be achieved through adopting spiritual means. While this does not necessarily preclude political activism, it does suggest that our actions should be the result of earnest prayer. Prayer should always be the Church’s act of first resort. It must be our reflex action for then we will demonstrate to our God that we are mature and are kingdom-minded.

So, is prayer a reflex action in your life? If it presently isn’t, then determine to make it so. Make calling on God first your priority whenever you are hard-pressed by difficult circumstances and God will prioritise dealing with your situation and answer your petition. Don’t waste precious time praying as a last resort. Honour God by consulting Him first and He will duly honour you with His prompt response.

Father, I choose to seek you first both in the good and the bad times. Help me know that I have chosen right by promptly answering my prayers in Jesus name. Amen.