“But Peter said, silver and gold (money I do not have, but what I do have, that I give to you: in [the use of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!” Acts 3:6 (Amp)

For any business to run smoothly and profitably, stocktaking and restocking or the replacement of sold items on the shelves is unavoidable component of the operation. The big out of town stores have a computer system that does it automatically as well as employees who do it on a daily basis and so do the comparatively smaller corner shops, although without as much technological input. They all know that they have to keep track of the merchandise they have to sell or there will be no business to run.

From the above passage, it is clear that the disciples of Jesus Christ, in this case Peter and John, had done their personal spiritual stocktaking and so knew exactly what they had and what they lacked in relation to the need they had perceived before them. The challenge confronting them was a lame man, a beggar. The simple truth is that this occasion was not the first time that they had seen this particular man asking for alms at the gate Beautiful before the temple. In time past they had either walked past him without as much as acknowledging him or thrown a copper coin on his lap. However, this time was different because something crucial had changed within these men. They had been baptised with the Holy Spirit and so knew beyond every reasonable and unreasonable doubt that they had within them the solution to the man’s crippling problem.

Peter and John recognised that this man was forced into begging by his lameness and so understood that if they addressed the root cause of his problem by healing him of that malady, they would empower him to provide for himself and thus turn him from being a liability into an asset. Although money was good, the healing and all its ramifications for this man was far better as was confirmed by this man’s jubilation after he was healed. Consequently, Peter and John’s recognition of what they had to give and their boldness of faith in giving the lame man the anointing that the Holy Spirit had conferred upon them made the difference for this man and also had a great impact on the world. It marked the beginning of the Church as we know it.

So what does this have to do with you? It simply means that you can’t give what you don’t have. However, just as important is the fact that you can’t give what you don’t know that you do have, especially if you have not taken the time to do a spiritual stocktaking on your life to enable you to know what you really do have as opposed to what you do lack. The reality is that doing spiritual guesswork can only get you so far. Adopting the hit and miss approach to confronting life’s many challenges means that you will probably miss more than you hit. Hence, knowing what you can offer to meet the need of the world is the key to fulfilling your destiny. It is also the only way that you can positively and significantly impact your world. As a child of God, you have at your disposal the greatest power available to man. Receive His anointing today and make someone’s day for they that do know their God shall be strong and shall do exploits. Go in your newfound might in Jesus name and do kingdom business.

Lord, you said “Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other thing shall be added to you.” I seek your presence in my life. Impart your anointing on me today and cause me to know that I can really make a difference through you.