“God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble.” Ps 46:1(Amplified)

It was the longsuffering Job, at the most difficult time of his life, who said and I quote “Man that is born of woman is of few days and is full of trouble.” Job 14:1. Granted that this statement might seem like an over exaggeration, there is no gainsaying the fact that at periods in our lives, we do go through difficulties that often stress as well as stretch us. Jesus Christ alluded to this inevitable fact when He enjoined us to build our lives on the sure foundation of His person and teachings, so that we will be able to withstand the devastating effects of life’s flash floods, which characteristically often strikes at unexpected times. The import is that however fierce the storm, a life that is firmly rooted in Jesus Christ is destined for victory because the God in whom we trust is unassailable and thus constitutes a perfect bulwark against Satan’s machinations.

Consequently, we need to understand that difficult times and the attendant stresses and stretching are guaranteed to come. Nevertheless, another given is that our Rock of salvation and sure foundation, Jesus Christ, is the same yesterday, today and forever and that His covenant promise to never leave or forsake us stands for all time. Hence, while trying times are transient, God is constant. So, however long and convoluted the dark tunnel of life, God’s light of hope and deliverance is always shinning at its end. God is eternal and the difficulties you are facing are but a momentary bleep in the endless continuum of time and space. It shall definitely pass.

Jesus’ disciples got into a bit of bother on the high seas and were struggling against contrary wind. It seemed as if they would never make landfall, but things changed for the better the moment Jesus stepped into their boat, for they were supernaturally and inexplicably transported to land immediately. One moment they were batting with the raging sea and the next, they were on land. They had reached their goal. How they got there, they didn’t know, but one thing they were sure of was the fact that their trouble ended the moment the Master stepped aboard. They had just experienced what it is to travel at God’s speed. On another occasion and in a similar circumstance, Jesus was right in the boat with them, but He was sleeping. While the disciples were doing their very best to stay afloat and failing, they noted that Jesus was still managing a kip in such an atrocious weather. Their concern quickly turned to despair and irritation as they confronted Jesus for His uncaring attitude to their welfare. Jesus Christ of course rebuked the storm and the journey continued at normal speed. No teleportation this time.

Consequently, if your boat is currently sailing through difficult waters, first ensure that Jesus Christ, the Captain and Master of all circumstances, is really in charge and trust Him with your life. He might choose to make the issue go away in the twinkle of an eye or it may take significantly longer. Just understand that however long or short the journey, you are travelling at God’s speed and will definitely make landfall, for with Jesus at the helm there can be no other outcome. So, enjoy the scenery.

Lord, it is good to know that just as the Psalmist said, my times are in your hand. Be my Refuge and Strength both in the difficult as well as easy times. Show your power trough my pain as you bless and glorify your name through me. Amen.