“Then a prophet came to Ahab king of Israel and said, Thus says the lord: Have you seen all this great multitude? Behold, I will deliver it into your hand today, and you shall know and realise that I am Lord.” 1 King 20:13 (Amplified)

A troubling question that one might ask is where was God in all this? What was God doing when Ben-Hadad was marshalling his hordes against His covenant people – Israel? Where was He when His people were being threatened and harassed? Couldn’t He have pre-emptively resolved the trouble by liquidating the enemy before he got near enough to disturb His people’s peace? Why didn’t He send His prophet to speak before the enemy showed up and why did He send the prophet only after Ahab had committed himself to battle?

Well, it is Genesis 1 all over again. The bible says that “The earth was without form and void”. Everything was in chaos, yet God did nothing. It also says that God’s Spirit was moving over the waters, still nothing happened. The chaos persisted. Something was still missing. That something was “And God said.” The Spirit of God was waiting for the Word of God. He could do nothing until God spoke the Word. Consequently, nothing happened. The chaos simply continued unabated even though God’s Spirit was ready and waiting to enforce order on the chaotic situation. This is because God’s authority resides in His word. His Spirit will only act when empowered by His word to enforce His will. This is the way it was, still is and will always be. God ultimately exercised His authority and chaos ceased. Ahab took authority over his enemies by invoking God’s power and God gave him resounding victory. You too need to take the authority Jesus Christ delegated to His Church and wield it by speaking in faith against demonic attacks and God will back you up to the hilt. He will do exactly what your word empowers Him to do and rout the enemy of your soul.

In essence, the fact that God did not prevent the devil from attacking you is no proof that He does not care. All He wants you to do is signal to Him by your words that you are totally committed to fight for what is right and His Spirit, Who is eagerly and menacingly brooding over your dire situation, but has been unable to act because you have not empowered Him, will spring into action and get to work. He will accomplish God’s will in your life. So, until you do, the status quo remains. Why not read Psa 81:10-16 to gain a better understanding of this spiritual principle of confession?

So, if Satan’s attack has left you confused, then take it to God in prayer. Receive His insight, make a stand and, using God’s word as your spiritual sword, start battling away in the strength that you can undoubtedly only receive from the Almighty God. Fight until you receive in reality the victory you have already perceived in your spirit. God is waiting on your word. However, understand that complaining and murmuring won’t galvanise Him into action on your behalf. Only His word as spoken through you would cause Him to step into the breach and reverse whatever ills the devil might have inflicted upon your life. So, if you desire life in abundance, you definitely have to take authority and speak God’s word in faith. Speak to be saved. Speak and live.

Lord, I take authority over ………. [Insert your challenge(s)] in Jesus name. I declare your victory over the devil and claim that victory to the glory of your name. Amen