“And Eleazer [one of the three] stood in the midst of that plot and defended it and slew the Philistines [until his hand was weary, and his hand cleaved to the sword], and the Lord saved by a great victory and deliverance.”
1 Chr 11:14 (Amplified)

There is no gainsaying the fact that the world is fast changing (some would say for the worse) and attitudes are also changing for better or worse. Nevertheless, a noticeable phenomenon in the West is the unrelenting onslaught of secular humanism against the bulwark of the Christian foundations that made us what we are today. Christians are almost made to feel like criminals in a country that is supposedly Christian, but which in reality increasingly opposes and undermines the Christian principles upon which it is founded. Anti-God and immoral practices are daily being foisted upon us and we are expected to either like or lump them. Our consciences are daily assaulted and our beliefs ridiculed both at work and in our homes. Parental authority is gradually being eroded in the name of social enlightenment and we are just supposed to take it in the chin and watch helplessly as the devil transforms our lives into his play yard.

One truth that is evidently clear as you read through the bible is the fact that “He who dares win”, since trying times calls for seasoned individuals to make a stand and take the fight to the enemy. The reality is that for as long as we are willing to yield ground, the devil will keep gaining ground on us and keep pressuring us until we cease to be an effective fighting force. His goal is to destroy the Church and frustrate God’s plan to establish His kingdom, just as our main goal is to destroy his works in our world. His strategy is to hamstring us by intimidating us into keeping silent when our human rights are repeatedly violated. He would then be able to whittle down our influence in society until we no longer matter and unless someone stands up to him, he will win.

In the anchor passage above, Eleazar, one of David’s mighty men, like all the other men in the army, had a clear choice to either beat a hasty retreat or stand up to the enemy and fight. He alone chose the latter while the others quickly melted away. Without help or the promise of relief, Eleazar stood his ground and fought like mad until he was dog tired, but the enemy still failed to get past him. He gave his all to stop the advance of the enemy and risked everything for the glory of God. So, how did God respond to this courageous act? He ensured that Eleazar routed the enemy and secured a great victory through him. The other fainthearted soldiers soon realised their folly and returned, but only to gather the spoils. However, no one could deny the fact that Eleazar was the architect of that memorable victory. His choice to stand and fight enabled others to later gather the spoils. As has been proven countless times, God only needs one brave individual who would trust Him and stand up to the devil to make a difference. So, whichever space you occupy in the battlefront and whatever the sphere of life you operate in, understand that making a stand for God and His kingdom is your duty. His promise that those who trust in God shall never be put to shame still remains true. So, will you dare to win?

Lord, it is far easier for me to keep my head below the parapet or feign indifference whenever the devil throws down the gauntlet and challenges the tenets of my faith rather than stand up to him. Give me the will to fight and win as I stake my life on the honour of your name. Vindicate my stand for righteousness in the name of your Son Jesus Christ and enable me to make a difference in my world for your glory. Amen.