“My sacrifice [the sacrifice acceptable] to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart [broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise.” Psalm 51:17 (Amplified)

How do you recognise a man whose spirit is broken? A broken man is someone who characteristically has reached the end of himself. He is someone who is not only down and out, but who also feels and accepts the fact that he has nothing else to lose but life itself. However, not every broken man that you see is the same, for some are broken by the circumstances of life that is orchestrated by the devil for his diabolical end and others by God for His own good purpose for our lives. Therefore, the devil always tests to destruction, while God tests until the flesh becomes subjugated to His will in order to fulfil His plan and purpose through naturally rebellious and proud man. Consequently, a man whose spirit is broken by the circumstances of life tend to pine away and deteriorate into death, while a man broken by God tend to suffer the loss of pride associated with the carnal nature, but always lives to fulfil God’s purpose for his life. Death thus becomes the beginning of new life. This is the reason why Jesus said that unless a kernel of wheat falls in to the ground and dies it remains alone, but once it has died it multiplies and brings forth much fruit. God’s test is designed to get us to the point where we despair of losing our dreams, giving Him unhindered access into our lives and enabling Him pick and develop them the way He originally intended.

One excellent example of a broken man is Moses. Moses dreamt and initially felt that he was qualified to lead his brethren the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage in his own power, but was forced to admit his failure and flee the retribution for his hasty action. This failure now became the opportunity for God to step in and begin the long process that would ultimately wear Moses down until he experienced the death of his dream. Circumstances ground him to the point where he lost not only his self confidence, but also his confidence in God to the point he never wanted to have anything to do either with God or liberating his people. He just wanted to live the rest of his life in peace. Yet, this was proof to God that Moses was ready for the task He had in mind for him. The truth is that God could do nothing with Moses until he was broken in spirit and therefore totally open to obeying Him. Heaven’s requirement for service has not changed. You have to die to live, but once dead, heaven is the limit to what God can accomplish through you.

Since the bible assures us that God is in overall control of our lives, this means that He is not unaware of what the devil might be doing to us. The crux of the Gospel is that like God did for Joseph, He can transform what the devil intended for evil into something good and is willing to do the same in your life. So, even if you have been broken by Satan or life’s difficult circumstances, if you are willing to commit your life to God today, He is able to turn that which the devil meant as an end into a new beginning. As the bible says, He still heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. Let God heal you today and life will regain its sweetness for you.

Lord, nothing attracts your presence as a broken and contrite heart. Yet, it seems as if I have become an expert at justifying and coddling up to my sins. Help me to see and call my sins as you would, so that your mercy will drive me to lay them down at the foot of the cross. Help me die to self so that I might live for you. Amen.