“And wherever the double river shall go, every living creature which swarms shall live. And there shall be a very great number of fish, because these waters go there that [the waters of the sea] might be healed and made fresh; and everything shall live wherever the river goes.” Ezek 47:9 (Amplified)

There is a quiet revolution taking place in our rivers and waterways and the evidence of this new reality is the increasing number of fish and wildlife that are returning to live and breed in our rivers. A great effort has been made in the last few years by a lot of people to clean up our polluted waterways in order to breathe life into rivers that were once choked with filth and dirt and the result is that many species of fish which originally lived in these rivers are now returning. If in doubt, ask the delighted anglers whose passion it is to catch these fish and they will tell you that things have indeed changed for the better. The reason for this turnaround is simple; clean rivers equal optimum fish environment and plenty of food which translates to plenty of fish.

The river the above passage is alluding to is none other than the move of the Spirit of God as He impacts our world, symbolised by the sea, bringing healing to the hurting and freshness to the spiritually stale. It reiterates God’s plans to bring the dry bones back to life through the healing power of His Spirit. The purpose of this spiritual flood is the catching of a very great number of fish. Of course, you don’t need me telling you what fish symbolises in the passage. These are the million or billions of souls that would be positively impacted by the move of God’s Spirit. These are the dry bones that would live again. These are the people who will make up the ranks of the mighty army that God will raise to fight and win the battle of faith that will culminate in the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, what does this mean for us? First, God’s church cannot be defeated. Since Jesus will be returning for a glorious and unblemished Church, it means that in the larger scheme of things the current dire state of the Church is but a temporary blip. The Church shall rise again in power and splendour and fulfil her mandate in the world for the gates of hell cannot prevail against her and the result will be a deluge of soul harvest that will be coming our way. Second, there is no need to fear any opposition the enemy might bring our way. This is because we already know the end and can thus regard Satan’s antics as slight inconveniences that we have to endure on our path to seeing God’s glory. Third, it means that you have a part to play in bringing in the harvest of souls. Since you don’t catch fish through wishful thinking, it means that we need to formulate anointed strategies to bring in the catch. The harvest is already guaranteed. The task before us is to seek God for the means of executing His plan in order to make it a reality in our world and lives. We must necessarily connect with the throne room of grace and source of the living water so that we can become true living fountains of the grace of God. Now that you know, God expects you to do something about it. You can’t give what you don’t have. So, ask God for the living water today.

Lord, please draw me into your living presence and anoint me with your power so that you living water can indeed flow through me. Change my mentality from defeatism to triumphalism and thus enable me to proclaim your victory to a world in need in Jesus’ name. Amen.