“For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37 (NIV)

How do you deal with people you know you can’t change? You simply recognise or factor in their frailties and work around them. If discrimination is deeply ingrained in the human psyche, then it is practically unavoidable and we are bound to face it at one point in our lifetime. The chief purpose of all forms of discrimination is to make the target person feel inferior or even sub human.

So, the first step you can take to counter this false assertion is by cultivating a healthy self perception. Eleanor Roosevelt said that no one can put you down unless you give them the permission to do so. So, by refusing to see yourself in the diminished way those discriminating against you would like you to, you are denying them the power to legitimise their wrong conduct. An integral part of cultivating a healthy self image is to understand that you are only responsible for your attitude and not that of others. You can’t stop those who are so inclined from being racist, xenophobic, and bigoted or prejudiced, but can choose not to validate or be any of these things. Understand that the choice ultimately rests with you to evaluate people on an individual basis and not generalise or determine their worth based on some biased assumptions.

Second, the author Dennis Waitley said that it is not what you are that is stopping you from being a success, but what you think you are not. It is an absolute waste of time and effort trying to be somebody else when you can be all that God wants you to be by being yourself. If God had wanted several copies of the other person you are trying to become, He would have made you a clone. Instead, He made you a very unique individual and the awesome reality is that there will never be another you again. Philip never made the mistake of wanting to be a Hebraic Jew when God had in His wisdom made him a Hellenic Jew. Instead of fretting over what you are not and can never become, invest your energy and time in discovering what God has placed in you and you will be genuinely surprised at the gem that resides within you. So, be content with being you and your self confidence will attract the right opportunities to you.

Third, understand that once God has said yes to you, nobody can overrule Him. So, don’t diminish your vision so as to fit in with your detractors’ condescending view of you. God has said in His word – Jer 29:11 that He has a good plan and purpose for your life; never agree with or closely associate with those who think otherwise. No one knows you more than God does, so stick with God and you will come out fine.

Fourth, understand that nothing is impossible with God and that when you walk with God, heaven is the limit to what He can accomplish through you. Philip is a timeless proof of this unchanging truth. So, look up to and hold on to Him and He will make a way through the quicksand of discrimination where there presently seems to be none, and cause you to soar above every human, demonic or personal limitation or obstacle.

Helen Keller said that ‘He does not consent to crawl who is ready to fly.’ Lord, help me to cultivate the attitude of a winner and never consent to being a victim of life. Help me believe in myself, even as I believe in you so that I can believe in the dream you have given me, and thus bring praise to your name. Amen.