“If I [can] speak in the tongues of men and [even] of angels, but have not love (that reasoning, intentional, spiritual devotion such as is inspired by God’s love for and in us), I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”
1 Cor 13:1 (Amplified)

According to the above passage, love is what gives substance to our lives. Without it our lives will just ring hollow like a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. So what kind of love are we talking about here? Love is the most abused, misunderstood and hence misapplied word in the English lexicon. This is principally so because most people are only familiar with the first two expressions of love – eros and phileo, that is, sexual and brotherly love. These two are however limited and can be corrupted by reason of human depravity. This is the reason why two people can fall in love and then fall out of love, for this kind of love goes no further than the feelings or emotions or soul and never into our spirit. The love Apostle Paul is talking about here is the agape – God’s kind of incorruptible and unconditional love; the kind that keeps no record of wrong, is neither haughty nor self-serving etc. Agape love is the fruit of the outworking of God’s Spirit within the Christian and so rises from within our human spirit and is expressed to the world. It is God’s compassion as expressed through us, which makes it untainted by our selfish human nature. Consequently, anything done outside the remit of God’s love is already tainted, which in turn renders it unacceptable to God. It is thus wasted effort, however good or noble it might be.

So, how can you ride on the coat tail of love into victory? It is by determining to do only what love would do in whatever circumstance you find yourself. This will help you to walk in the Spirit and thus not fulfil the lust of the flesh. It will also place you on the path that Jesus Christ walked and ultimately lead to total victory because love ensures that you have God fighting your cause as opposed to you fighting your battles in your puny power. The practical application of love simply means that you are kind and patient, especially when dealing with difficult people in order to demonstrate the love of God to them. It means bearing up with insufferable spouses and rebellious children in order to allow God’s love to transform them and thus fulfil your desires. It means being importunate as we hold on to God’s promise that love never fails.

Apostle Paul enjoined us in 1 Cor 14:1 to eagerly pursue and seek to acquire [this] love [make it your aim, your great quest]. This means that this goal of walking in love is achievable. It only requires our desire as well as persistent pursuit for it to become a reality in our lives. So, however far down the road to moral decadence you might have gone, deciding to walk the path of love by not insisting on your rights or always having your way will help you to become like Christ as you cultivate the mindset that enabled Jesus to let go of self in order to let God win through Him. Love is more than a feeling. It is more than philanthropy. It is God’s Spirit working out His character in our world through us to reveal God to the world. The world has no equivalent and that is why it must submit to the power of God’s love. Make that love yours today.

Lord, the Father of love, I receive the ability to consistently walk in your love today. Cause your Spirit to moderate my actions and enable me to live as you would as I refuse to yield to the dictates of the flesh. Let the world see nothing in me save your love so that they can be drawn to you and glorify your name. Amen.