“Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Eph 5:20 (NKJ)

Change is inevitable. So whether we like or are prepared for it or not, it still happens. As an interested party in British politics, I dare say that I can sense change in the air, as my compatriots get increasingly tired of the present government and prepare to cast their votes for the opposition, sooner rather than later. It seems that the cycle is about to turn full circle once again in a seemingly endless political cycle.

Elections are opportunities for the people to tell their governments what they really think of their policies and performances, to return them to office or boot them out, and to ring slight or comprehensive changes or maintain the status quo.

The question I want to ask you is this, if Jesus were a politician, would He still have your vote at the next election? With the way He has so far run your life, will He get your support or feel the tip of your boot as you strongly disagree with the way He has been governing your life. Anyway, what complaints do you have against Him? Maybe under His watch the devil has denuded your life of your loved ones. These past years, you’ve been to hell and back in your personal life. Where was Jesus when you really needed Him? That celestial politician, they are all the same – always true to type!

Hold on a second. Can you reread the anchor passage and then think of its implication for your life? It says for all things, not just some things. It means that you should give thanks to God for all things – both good and bad. So, does this mean that I should be thanking God for the bad things that have happened to me when He was in no way responsible for my afflictions? YES! That exactly is what I mean. But that is surely preposterous, you say. Well, it may seem so, but what you are really doing whenever you choose to praise and give thanks to God in and for whatever situation you find yourself is that you are acknowledging His Lordship over your life.

You are affirming that irrespective of the times – whether good or bad, Jesus is still Lord over your life and nothing will diminish that fact to you. You are agreeing with Paul in Rom 8:38-39 that nothing shall separate you from God’s love. This was the reason why Paul and Silas could praise God in the dark dungeon. Crucially, it is also the reason they did not stay too long in there. They proclaimed His Lordship over their lives and circumstances and He duly showed up on the scene to receive their adulation, with the result that the prison doors could not wait to get out of His way and the chains and fetters felt repelled by the Apostles’ hands and feet. They quickly dropped off at the sight of the king of glory. Ps 50:23

So, will Jesus Christ still have your vote? It is better to vote for Him than face a tough situation without His help for a very long time. Who else are you going to run to, Satan? Only Jesus has the word of life. Cast your vote with your mouth and praise Him in whatever situation you are, and He will surely turn up with His deliverance.

O Lord, you are my God and I will serve you forever. Show yourself strong in my life and my praise will continue. My lips shall utter your praise and my life shall take hold of your salvation in Jesus’ Name. Amen.