“Elisha said to her, What shall I do for you? Tell me, what have you [of sale value] in the house? She said, Your handmaid has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.” 2 Kings4:2 (Amplified)

The lady in question was the wife of a prophet whose sudden death left his family in the financial quandary of debt and the resultant creditor’s threat to enslave her two sons in bond work until the debt is repaid. This meant that this pious woman who had just lost her husband was in clear danger of also losing her sons and this would have been double jeopardy, an economic devastation, for this family. In desperation she approached God’s servant Elisha for a solution and his response is stated in the above passage. We know that God not only met her need but also prospered that family far beyond the lean times. They were never in want or indebted to creditors again.

The sad reality of the economic downturn for many people is that they risk losing not only their jobs, but also the roofs over their heads. Hence, recession leaves a lot of people in desperate situations so much so that some resort to taking their lives. If you fall into this category, I have good news for you. You are not without help and all is not lost.

First, the fact that you are a Christian means that you have access to the God of all the earth for whom nothing is impossible. The only reason this distressed wife and mother was bold to approach Elisha, God’s servant, was because she had a prior relationship with him. Hence, she was known to Elisha. This meant that Elisha could not reject and was bound to resolve her problem because she is a member of the family.

Second, the solution to the problem confronting you is not flowing in the wind; it is within you in the presence and anointing of the Holy Spirit, however little that might be. By overlooking this resource, this woman nearly missed out on what God had ordained as her means of salvation. So, rather than worrying or running helter-skelter, all you need to do is wait on God, receive His revelation and tap into that in-borne ability to prosper or make wealth, for that is what it means to be anointed of God.

Third, take concrete steps and act on God’s revelation the same way the woman in the story did. In line with God’s instruction, she went out and borrowed jars, as many as she could find, and shut herself in with her sons. This means that you should cultivate an abundance mentality as you jettison the recession or scarcity mentality that got you into the pickle in which you found yourself. You should by faith expect and start making preparations to receive the miracle of God even or especially in the bad times, which will not only tide you over the bad times but also provide the means to set you up to prosper when the good times come around once again.

So, do not fear. Have faith in God, for it is His plan and your destiny to prosper and by God you shall. He is more than enough for you.

Father, open my eyes to the wonderful provisions you have made for me. Give me a hearing hear and boldness to act on your word to me. Let your word prosper in me and make a way where there presently seems to be none in Jesus name. Amen.